About Me

I have been married to my wonderful and very positive husband for 6 years. Between the two of us we have 6 kids. Four are at home and 2 are grown up, going to college and starting their own families. Of the four that are at home it is a mixture of his, mine and ours. Every other weekend (kinda) it is just ours.
We have many issues revolving around just the kids plus adding the blended family issue (although it seems we have been family forever!!!). My husband and I have been together almost 10 years. His younger two children moved in with us 8 years ago adding to my child. Four years ago we were blessed with our own child. In this mixture we have teens and what comes with them, depression, severe ADHD (with Bipolar symptoms), Anxiety, and problems that come with the bio parents. Any day at our house is stressful.
On top of that I have major depression that I have been battling for several years. The fact that I have been out of work for almost 1 year and had two back surgeries has not helped my depression and stress level at all. I am not a person that tends to look at the positive. It always seems negativity is my first instinct, which is one of the reasons I started this blog and chose this particular name for it. I thought this would help force me to look at the positive side everyday.
Another reason I started this blog was to let out and share some of the experiences I have been through, to maybe help someone else. To also share and get feedback from others. Through other sites and other blogs I know there are many more people out there who may be going through the same things or similar things. We can be one big support group and not have to leave home to get there! :) I know there were times that I probably would not have made it through if it weren't for the caring members of other blogs and pages!!!
I like to shop. Well, I don't like shopping for groceries, it just seems to get more and more expensive~especially with 3 teens in the house! But because of this and the little money we have coming in, I try to find good deals and live as cheap as we can. We live in a little city (14,000 people or so). So it's not like we have a lot of choices on where to shop and some of the better deals you can get in the bigger cities. I try to make a game out of getting the best deals in my area.
I also like to scrapbook. I like getting new ideas from people and sharing my ideas. It is much more fun to scrap when you have others to talk to about it.
I was hoping to incorporate a little of everything into this blog if not to only help other people but to help me as well. I know that sometimes just making it through a day is hard enough without adding the extra stresses of life. We all need to know that someone is there for us, that we are not alone in how we feel, in what we are going through, in just trying to survive.
If you have any ideas or comments to add let me know. I am always open to new ideas! :)
thank you for taking the time to learn a little about me. You are welcome to share anything you want about you!